Together with Oxfam Novib, ZeeBoer helps entrepreneurs in Africa and Asia to realize their own company: microfinance works!

When Peter took over ZeeBoer from Reindert and Margreet in 2017, local and private financing played an important role. Local and private initiatives have also always played an important role in poverty reduction. That is why ZeeBoer has become Oxfam Novib’s ambassador. They apply the principle of local financing for starting entrepreneurs in Africa and Asia.

Do you want to know more about this initiative? Get in touch with Peter and he will talk you through it with passion. Would you like to contribute yourself? Then give ten chickens or a goat as a gift and help a family with a new future.

How does microfinance work?

Every month, seven entrepreneurs start with a loan from ZeeBoer. They buy chickens, a cow, seeds or a sewing machine from this. One condition: the loan must be repaid in the first year. This allows new entrepreneurs to start with our gift. Part of the success story is the fact that entrepreneurs stay involved after the first year. They can expand their business, hire others or help them on their way.

A Dutch invention

Poverty reduction is a Dutch invention. It was the Dutch Maatschappij van Weldadigheid (Society of Benevolence) that started to put an end to poverty in the Netherlands in the early nineteenth century, not the government.

Poor families and orphans were brought from the cities to specially equipped agricultural villages to build a new state here. They received nothing as a gift: the donations from private individuals were provided as a loan and thus remained within the Society. Education, healthy food, health care, a more humane prison system: the Maatschappij van Weldadigheid was a trendsetter.

Next steps

HM Queen Máxima has been a UN special advocate for microfinance for many years. Now she is focusing on a next step: inclusive financing. With better banking and insurance, for example, the blow of a failed harvest can be better absorbed. And with insurance premiums, sustainable investments can be made. Locally and under the auspices of the United Nations and NGOs such as Oxfam Novib.

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