Especially for Park Positive ZeeBoer created an advice tool that shows how much rainwater you can infiltrate into your paving.

Climate-adaptive parking is completely hip, because the collection and infiltration of rainwater is becoming increasingly important. Not least due to the phenomenon of “heat stress”.

Fien Dekker from Park Positive advises road managers on how they can make neighborhoods more resilient to climate change in a smart way. The Utopis system configurator serves as an aid for this.

Next Thursday, Fien will give a webinar on this theme, in which the new advice tool plays a leading role. Here’s a sneak preview.

Do you also want to focus on your solution for construction? Then a product selector or system configurator is interesting. Make an appointment and, together with Antoon, Maarten or Peter, look at the opportunities that Utopis offers for your organization.

All information available in one place.

Peter Veldhuizen


Antoon Siebert

Partner / project manager

Maarten Hopman

Project manager

Jeroen Houdé

Front-end developer

Bernd Kurtze

Back-end developer

Zsolt Kiss

Back-end developer

Mariska van ’t Veer


Would you like an introduction? Schedule an appointment right now with our online tool.