Utopis PIM & Bestek has various add-ons that make the lives of your clients easier. But your own colleagues will also gratefully use the benefits of Utopis.

Better product data and sales

Do you like happy clients, designers, customers and colleagues?

  • Easily manage your own product data and more often in specifications.
  • The only PIM developed entirely for construction.
  • Distribute to websites, apps and other media from one source.
  • Synchronize with your own ERP or other software.
  • Easy to manage, make fewer mistakes and thus save costs.

Would you like to know more about the unique combination of Utopis PIM & Specs? Then schedule a demo.

Digital exchange with ETIM & DICO

With the ETIM validator and DICO export from Utopis, your customers will know more quickly what the properties of your products are. Utopis helps you classify and then distributes your data to data pools, trading houses and other software.

Software as a service

Utopis is a SaaS. Convenient, because we take care of the infrastructure and backups. You can simply log in from your own browser. We are invisible in the output if you want: documents and tools are presented in your own look and feel and via your own domain name.

Digital asset and file management

Utopis PIM has digital file and asset management (DAM). This allows you to link texts and files to a product, article or system. Drag and drop upload, zipped download and callable per entity or from the WebAPI.

Digital exchange with ETIM & DICO

With the ETIM validator and DICO export from Utopis, your customers will know more quickly what the properties of your products are. Utopis helps you classify and then distributes your data to data pools, trading houses and other software.

Create project specifications with SpexTuner

Do you already have a specification tool? Then you may notice that you would like to make minor adjustments for a specific project. For example, because you are going to offer a special solution. This is possible with Utopis SpexTuner.

A flipbook, but up to date

There are many tools with which you can present folders or documents. With browsing function, read-more buttons and video. Utopis PageFlip can do all of this, but in combination with “on-the-fly” product data. Have you made any adjustments? Then you update your documentation with the push of a button.

Create and archive DoPs

Utopis is the best at creating documentation and CE performance declarations. Thanks to the archive function, you can save old versions for future use.

Calculation tools: advice and compare

Let clients calculate with your solution. Whether it is an insulation value, water permeability or consumption calculator. Utopis calculation tools draw their data from the central database and are therefore up-to-date and fast.

Exchange with your website or other databases

Thanks to the built-in EDI, Utopis shares your product data with other software. For example, connect your website or ERP package. Your advertising agency or software also understands the Utopis WebAPI.

Smart add-ons.

With Utopis' smart tools you save time, make fewer mistakes and provide your customer with optimal information.

Responding to digital building standards.

Efficiently manage and share product data.

All product data available in one platform.

Your product data better found.

All information available in one place.


Would you like an introduction? Schedule an appointment right now with our online tool.